Wednesday, 26 January 2011

ARSEO Project #7721: The Whispers into the Other Project

Within every space within every location holds the memory of a 1000 years, locked within the stone and earth there lays the histories, the very emotions, of the people which inhabited that space. What if there was a way of tapping into that history, well that's what we here at the Artistic Research and Special Experiments Organsation are currently working toward a device which could allow us access to this invisible treasure trove of memory.

This is easier than one might think; as they say to listen one must hear. Using certain Psychogeographic methods, these methods having been developed by the author Arthur Machen while living in Caerleon, South Wales. Within this exhibition space we have located various psychogeographic 'hotspots' which will allow you access to the rich vein of psychohistory inherent within this location.

These PSYG's are indicated by an ear symbol please take time and locate them and start you journey into a wider world!

This is one of many projects of the Artistic Research and Special Experimentation Organsation, an organisation set up to investigate paranormal and fringe ideas ranging from UFO's to Ghosts. These investigations are presented within a artistic context in order to create an atmosphere in which the investigations of the A.R.S.E.O can be democratised, providing the audience the opportunity to add to and complete the work of the A.R.S.E.O and take their first steps into a unseen world.

Instructions on use:

  1. Locate an ear symbol, this identifies a psychogeographic hotspot

  1. Place your ear against the ear symbol

  2. Attempt to clear your mind it might be beneficial to concentrate on the past.

  3. Allow the flow of time to enter your mind.

Monday, 24 January 2011

The I Die You Die Project

What is the Afterlife? Is there an Afterlife? These are the questions which have troubled Mankind throughtout the ages and one which has been related to some form of religious belief in order to access said Afterlife.
What if there was a way of determining a presence of an Afterlife? The current difficulties in contacting the unliving would seem to close that avenue of exploration.
But what of NDE's or Near Death Experience? ( ) surely these experiences point to evidence of an Afterlife, but they are conjecture and no 'real' evidence sruvives beyond the individuals experience. So a method of recording said experience must be developed this is what we here at ARSEO are working on.

We are currently developing a version of the 'God Helmet' ( which would be able to record the thoughts of an individual and then transfer these patterns into a visual form, much like a television broadcast. In order to enter a state of neardeath the ARSEO operative would be required to ingest a substance which will ensure the creation of such a state (the substance has yet to be identified)
The final part of this experiment is that it should be presented live, in fornt of an audience, possibly forming part of a lecture. This is so they can experience the NDE and see the validity of the events unfolding in front of them.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Untitles ARSEO Project #7216 'Remote Control' Project

Previously here at the ARSEO we have attempted to explore the rich seam of 'Remote Viewing' ( in The Sheep/Goat Effect Project This was only an initial part of our investigations into this phenomena we now wish to develop this ability to a force which could guide or control individuals.

For this it would require an ARSEO operative to be located in one location and be given a 'target'. For the initial experiments this would take the form of a brightly coloured object until the operative has gained enough skill to locate any object mentally.

This experiment would require a second operative or volunteer who'll would be in another location, where the object would be, the 'interior' ARSEO op while then be requested to guide the 'exterior' op/vol to the object.

The process is underway

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The The Message Project: Some Notes Towards Apocalypse

In the course of our investigations into the unknown here at the ARSEO we often come across many interesting people and concepts. We present to you one such example the tale of Walter Drake and his prediction of an apocalyptic event to takes place some time between 2015/2016After coming in possession of various artefact's belong to Walter Drake including diaries, notebooks and sketches we were able to begin to put together a picture of his apocalypse narrative detailing a major event to take place four years hence. Drake claims to have received information through his television set on the night of the 7th February 1979, this information was relayed to him from what he called 'Angels'. After this it is believed that Drake attempted to set up a 'Church of Eve' in 1980, little information about this Church or even Drake himself is to be found.

But what of the message itself? What is the information to be passed on from Drake's Angels? Well by looking through the information left by Drake the apocalypse narrative begins in the year 2000 when Drake states that:

'....the first will be found at the top of the world and it will crack the world'

What the first is, is unclear but in relation to the first he goes on to state that:
'...the first with be controlled by the hand of man.'
Whether this is a reference to the event being man-made or being a result of the action of mankind is uncertain, often this is read as a reference to the melting of the poplar icecaps but this is open tp interpretation.
In Drake's timeline one year after this 2000 event The One and The Hollow Daughter will 'come into being' these two will have fundmental roles in the apocalypse narrative.
The One is referred to throughout Drakes narrative, being the focus of many of the events and appears to be the central and messianic figure throughout the narrative. The Hollow Daughter's role is less defined other then towards the end she will be sacrificed, for what reasons and by who is yet to be discovered.

Our current understanding of Drakes timeline is that the majority of events take place during the year 2015, when the 'Angels' begin to visit Earth in an attempt to locate 'The First' which will be protected by the 'soul, mind and body'. This may refer to separate groups, people or ideologies which fall into some kind of internal conflict.
What happens during this 'Angel' visitations is not made explicit it has so far only been hinted at through Drakes cryptic statements. These statements often reference arcane Judeo-Christian mysticism, such as the 'Tree of Life' and 'the Chamber of Gof', and of course 'The Beast'. Though within the narrative 'The Beast' seems to take on a more ambiguous role then its name would imply as it is the proctector of 'The One' it also throws some doubt on the nature of the apocalypse.
There are still so many answers to be answered, why did the 'Angels' attempt to communicate with Walter Drake, was it some form of future echo picked up accidentally by Drake? What are the roles of the characters involved? Can they be identified?
We here at the ARSEO will continue to investigate!

The VALIS Project: VALIS Comm-002

A second VALIS related communication has arrived at ARSEO HQ this time from 'Sliverwolf' the message details experiences with various spirit forms within a nature environment.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

From the ARSEO archive: Untitled rhythmic study

One of the first explorations undertaken by the ARSEO was into the effect of rhythmic sounds upon the human body. A subject was exposed to rhythmic sounds and recorded, the movements of said subject where then transposed into linear forms, hopefully these linear forms can be used as an shorthand into the exploration into the possibility of ascension through movement

Linear pattern:

Source material B:

Linear pattern:

Linear pattern:

Linear pattern:
Source material B: