Friday, 28 May 2010

The ARSEO at the 'poolside : The DreamVision Project

While at the 'poolside the ARSEO took the oppurtunity to enlist you (the subject) in the development of one of our projects. In this case it was The DreamVision Project which is the ARSEO's attempt to develop a 'Catatonicagraph' or dream reading device, the device was the combitation of two technologies:

1. the anicent (a dreamcatcher) 2.the contemporary (a television)

as this is a project which was 'in development' the subject was placed into a 'passive' position and asked to read the images on the screen.

The following is an record of the subjects interactions with The DreamVision Project:

  1. cell woman running
  2. nothing electronic interference??
  3. prince after a concert
  4. two people having a conversation
  5. possibly the blurred outlined of a woman sat in a chair (not me)
  6. black + white merging colours looked like oil in a lake
  7. a figure of a mans head and shoulders shadowy things
  8. people walking
  9. old person infront of picture
  10. scratchy etchings of rhythms
  11. the falling man
  12. i want to fly
  13. people - my father

The ARSEO at the 'poolside

On the date of May 22nd 2010 the ARSEO was invited to present some of its ongoing projects to the public at large as part of the 'poolside emergency at the Bluecoat. The location selected for these interaction was the library a room which was already a focus for the processing of information

In order to concentrate the psychic energy within this room I decided to use a reflected material, this also had the effect of deflecting any outside and unwanted psychic invasions, (after involvement with the ARSEO subjects where provide with 'thought shields' for their protection)

Within this prepared space subjects interacted with three of the ARSEO projects, they where The DreamVision Project and The Make It Happen Project and The VALIS Project. After interaction with each of these projects Subjects where required to record their reactions as some of these reactions will require the passing of time in order to be activated those reactions shall be posted at the correct dates upon this blog.

Higamos Hogamos

Thursday, 20 May 2010


I and the ARSEO will be presenting a number of our projects for you to engage with

the locational information is as follows:,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,660/year,2010/month,05/day,22/Itemid,14/